Pay Per Viewable Impression: A Road Less Travelled

PPC is the sure-fire way to get to the top of the SERP in no time. It is as easy as setting up your budget, writing your ad copy and go. Within minutes, your ad will start to show for relevant search results, provided that the ad is approved by Google. While Google officially says that it can take up to 24 hours to get an approval, from experience, we can see that this is often done within the first 15 minutes from submitting the ad copy.

There are multiple ways to target your customers on PPC. However, we will discuss the less popular method of Pay per Impression. Also called Pay per view, this is the model which is best when you are running a brand, product or service awareness campaign.

This is the most economical campaign with one thousand impressions costing you no more than a few pounds. Moreover, Google has updated the classical mode of payment to Pay per viewable impression which means the client needs to pay only when the ad is being displayed on the visible area of the screen. This means if the ad is placed at the bottom of the webpage and the user doesn’t scroll down to that section, the client doesn’t need to pay.

You can target particular websites where to display your ad or you can specify categories of websites and Google will select the best websites to display your ads. Ask any agency offering PPC management in London to know more.